Transforming Political Gestures through a chain – Performance Lecture and Installation

University of Potsdam, Nov, 1-3rd

The transformation of protest gestures during public protests, both within the motion itself and through media circulation, is to be exemplified with an installation. How does moments of affect, imitation and simultaneity come together? Working with a collection of visual, sonic and textual reflections of these gestures, we create a chain of translations: Out of descriptions of media images and drawings specific movement instructions are formed and re-played by headphones. The spoken instructions are inviting for imitation which are simultaneously scanned by a motion recognition system which uses the gatherd data to re-compose the sound recordings of the original protest sites. By separating the single medial and spatial elements of gestures the correlations in-between the elements of the chain are getting perceptable and interactive access points are opening up.

IMG_2263 Kopie



Institute for Media and Arts European Media Studies University of Potsdam Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 Potsdam


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